Each user can only maintain ONE (1) identity/account/username. If you need to create a new identity because of lost password, username or e-mail address, older identities cannot be used anymore.

If problems are encountered while obtaining or activating a coupon, please check on your Internet connection and try again. User agrees to indemnify thedowntime.net should problems arise during the usage of any feature or facility.

thedowntime.net closely monitors all activity, coupons and usage patterns of members. Any attempts at defrauding the system or coupons would result in the immediate termination and blacklisting of account.

Please exercise caution when submitting comments, feedback, reviews or other materials at thedowntime.net. Examples of content that are not permitted include: Vulgar/offensive/obscene in nature; Fraudulent, deceptive or misleading; Off topic; Spam (such as the same comment posted repeatedly) or include certain links to other sites; Impliedly or expressly attacks and/or defames any third party; Offensive towards any gender, ethnic, religion, race or culture; Advocating any illegal activity; Describe or encourage activities which could endanger the safety or well-being of others; Promoting particular services, products, or political organizations; Appear to impersonate someone else; Contains disclosure of personal information including name, contact number, address, email and others; Infringing the proprietary rights, copyrights or trademarks of any party; Illegal and/or breaches any regulations or laws currently in force; Any other comments that thedowntime.net deems inappropriate. Such violations may result in the termination and blacklisting of your account.

You should only post what is true to your experience and observation, but not accuse another party of acts or crimes that you are unable to provide supporting evidence for. This is considered an act of defamation and thedowntime.net treats it seriously. If you have any disputes with the party in question, please contact them directly and try to resolve it in an amicable fashion instead of issuing slanderous statements.

If you have witnessed any scams, problems or disputes, please contact us for further action.

thedowntime.net reserves the right and sole discretion to remove any listings deemed inaccurate or in violation of terms without prior notice, and the violating account may be terminated and blacklisted.